Dear RoboCupers, We are glad to announce the 2025 RoboCup Rescue Simulation Competition will be held in Salvador, Brazil co-located with the RoboCup 2025. 2025 RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation Competition – Call for Participation 2025 RoboCup Virtual Robot Competition – Call for Participation If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to send an email to if you have any further questions about the registration process or the competition. Kind Regards, RoboCup Rescue Simulation Organizers
Dear RoboCupers, We are glad to announce the 2023 RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation Competition will be held in Bordeaux, France co-located with the RoboCup 2023. 2023 RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation Competition – Call for Participation Please read the Agent Simulation Competition Rules document for further details. If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to send an email to if you have any further questions about the registration process or the competition. Kind Regards, RoboCup Rescue Simulation Organizers
Dear RoboCupers, We are glad to announce the 2022 RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation Competition will be held online co-located with the RoboCup 2022. 2022 RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation Competition – Call for Participation Please read the Agent Simulation Competition Rules document for further details. If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to send an email to if you have any further questions about the registration process or the competition. Kind Regards, RoboCup Rescue Simulation Organizers
The intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and simulation may contribute to the advance of natural disaster management. AI tools and simulation models, however, have to embed the required features and capabilities in order to be useful on real-world situations. Hence, the collaboration with field experts and policy-makers in the natural disaster domain becomes essential. The workshop aims to gather together and build a community of researchers, disaster responders, and policy-makers interested in developing and applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) and simulation techniques for natural disaster management. This workshop is relevant because it will help to create a bridge between technology experts and disaster management practitioners aligning their understand, interpretation, and expectations of each other enabling an environment for the exchange of ideas. The workshop will be composed of a set of…
Dear RoboCupers, We are glad to announce the 2021 RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation Competition will be held online co-located with the RoboCup 2021. 2021 RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation Competition – Call for Participation This year we will have major changes to the competition. The main changes are: Scenarios without fires Changes to agents' action commands Refuges with limited capacity Please read the Agent Simulation Competition Rules document for further details. If you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to send an email to if you have any further questions about the registration process or the competition. Kind Regards, RoboCup Rescue Simulation Organizers
Dear RoboCupers, We are glad to announce the 2020 Online RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation Competition to be held online co-located with the RoboCup JapanOpen 2020. 2020 Online RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation Competition – Calls for Participation This year we will have two Agent Simulation competitions running in parallel: JapanOpen and International competition. The participation to both competitions are FREE for NEW Teams participating in the RoboCup JapanOpen (i.e., probably all non-Japanese teams). This year we are not requesting a complete Technical Description Paper (TDP) document. All registered teams will be accepted to participate in the competition. Teams must submit a brief ABSTRACT written in English introducing the team members’ affiliation and technical interests, as well as a general description of the techniques and technologies used to develop the agent code.…
Dear RoboCuppers, The RoboCup Federation and the University of Bordeaux, on behalf of the local organising committee, announce the postponement of the 24th edition of RoboCup in France to now be held from June 22 to 28, 2021. The current situation linked to the COVID-19 led the organising committee to postpone the event for a year and thus make it possible to host the biggest robotics and artificial intelligence competition in the best possible conditions in France. The joint events planned for this occasion, NAIA, EduCamp, Farming, Perseverons conference and the GDR robotics workshop will be hosted next year too. All of the event's partners, the 3,500 international RoboCupers, the 3,000 robots and the organising committee, will meet you in the summer of 2021, in Bordeaux, for the 24th edition…
A team of RoboCup Rescue Simulation committee members consists of Farshid Faraji, Luis Gustavo Nardin, Ali Modaresi, and Shima Mirfattahi attended at the Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) 2020. The sixth Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW) was held from 3 to 7 February 2020 at the International Conference Centre in Geneva, Switzerland. The event was organized by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and hosted by the Swiss Government. The HNPW is the flagship event of the Leading Edge Programme (LEP), a year-round collaborative platform for humanitarian expert networks and partnerships with the aim of developing sustainable solutions to recurring, cross-cutting issues in emergency preparedness and response. The LEP acts as a global community of practice and offers a unique space for inter-network collaboration…
The Calls for Participation to the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League competitions are available at the links below. Agent Simulation CompetitionVirtual Robot CompetitionInfrastructure Competition
On September 02, 2019, RoboCup Rescue Simulation members met with the International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) team at United Nations to present toosl to enhance capacity plans and coordination during emergencies that can be used by INSARAG and partners. INSARAG Meeting with RoboCup