2020 Online RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation Competition – Calls for Participation

Dear RoboCupers,

We are glad to announce the 2020 Online RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation Competition to be held online co-located with the RoboCup JapanOpen 2020.

2020 Online RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation Competition – Calls for Participation

This year we will have two Agent Simulation competitions running in parallel: JapanOpen and International competition. The participation to both competitions are FREE for NEW Teams participating in the RoboCup JapanOpen (i.e., probably all non-Japanese teams).

This year we are not requesting a complete Technical Description Paper (TDP) document. All registered teams will be accepted to participate in the competition. Teams must submit a brief ABSTRACT written in English introducing the team members’ affiliation and technical interests, as well as a general description of the techniques and technologies used to develop the agent code. The ABSTRACT will be requested via email after the registration.

Please read the Call for Participation in full to understand the differences between both competitions and to know how to register to these competitions.

Please send an email to robocuprescuesim@gmail.com if you have any further questions about the registration process or the competition.

Kind Regards,

RoboCup Rescue Simulation Organizers