Invited Talk

Challenges and Expectations in RoboCupRescue Simulation (Video, Slides)

Prof. Nobuhiro Ito

RoboCupRescue Simulation (RRS) started as a demonstration competition of RoboCup in 2000 and as an official competition in 2001, aiming at both academic and social contribution by applying the results obtained from soccer to disaster relief. RRS is a disaster relief simulation using a multi-agent system. The task was much more complicated than in soccer. In this keynote, I would like to discuss the disaster relief problem, which is the target of RoboCup Rescue, the challenges from the past to the present, and the expectations for the future.


July 17, 2022 – 12h00-14h00 (UTC+7) Introduction to Rescue Simulation (Video, Slides)

This tutorial will endow the participants with basic understanding of the structure and dynamic aspects of the Rescue Simulator and Simulation code. The tutorial also will cover more practical aspects:

  • Simulator installation and configuration
  • Simulation executions
  • Simple Rescue Agent Team code modification

July 17, 2022 – 14h30-16h30 (UTC+7) Implementing Rescue Team using Python (Video, Slides 1, Slides 2)

This tutorial will introduce the new Python API developed to interact with the Rescue Simulator. The tutorial will detail the communication protocol between the Rescue Simulator with the Rescue Agent Team and guide the participants through a step-by-step process to develop a Rescue Agent Team using the Python API via incremental assignments.

July 17, 2022 – 17h00-19h00 (UTC+7) Unraveling the ADF Framework (Video, Slides)

The Agent Development Framework (ADF) is a modular and flexible framework that enables the development of Rescue Agent Teams for the Rescue Simulator. This tutorial will details the structure and propose incremental assignments to help participants grasp the dynamics of the framework. The tutorial will also guide the participants through the installation and configuration of the framework.