Competition setup
- RoboCup2021RVRL_Demo
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Ros(Melodic)
- Gazebo 9
Team’s Time zones
Competition Schedule
During the competition days, we will have 4 challenges and on the final day 27th, teams will have a presentation to wrap up their work, compare themselves with other teams, their contribution to infrastructure and the ConstructSim, and what would be their future work.
For each challenge, teams need to record the run of challenge’s map and submit it. It should be mentioned that using the ConstructSim will give a bonus.
Then each team will have 10 min to present their work and innovations on that challenge and the other teams will have the right to ask questions for 5 min at the end. Presentations may include videos, images or analysis of team’s proposed approach on different maps.
After all teams presented their work there would be a debate between the teams where they could challenge other teams’ approaches. Finally teams and committee members will score each team. The scoring format will be announced soon.

Score Submission form
- Team 1 : Firebolts
- Team 2: MRL
- Team 3: ATR_KENT
Challenge 1
- This challenge is to assess your team’s innovation and efforts in creating the merged map of the world and how you handle multi level map generation or avoid map distortion in map generation process.
- Please use “” for challenge1 demo submission.
- If you have any issues for world loading the models, please check your “GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH” and be sure that it refers to the models_robots_victims directory.
- Deadline for sending the public link to video is extended to 16:00 CEST, June 23rd.
June 23rd Demos
Challenge 2 & 3
- As the teams requested, we have decided to merge challenge 2 & 3 to give teams more time for working on WCS & robot communication. Please consider the below notes
- We would skip 24th meeting & presentation, but we expect teams to submit a 7 minutes video of their progress by 23:59 CEST (24th Jun), and a live presentation on June 25th.
- Consider both topics on your merged presentations.
- The schedule would be:
- Submitting your demo video by 16:00 CEST, June 25th
- 15 minutes presentation for each team
- Team 3 (ATR_Kent) – on 16:15 CEST
- Team 1 (Firebolts) – on 16:45 CEST
- Team 2 (MRL) – on 17:15 CEST
- This challenge is to assess your team’s innovation and efforts in navigation and exploring the map as well as multi-robot communication. For instance, how you decide what would be your next target point for exploration purpose and how robot communicate via WCS.
- Please use “” for demo submission.
June 24th Demos
June 25th Demos
Challenge 4
- This challenge is to assess your team’s innovation and efforts in Victim detection.
- Please submit a video of your best work using different victim models in different poses.
June 26th Demos
Challenge 5
Firebolts |
Challenge 1 (SLAM & Map Merging) |
9 |
7 |
4 |
Challenge 2 (Navigation & Exploration) |
8.25 |
6.5 |
0 |
Challenge 3 (Multi-robot communication) |
6 |
7 |
0 |
Challenge 4 (Victim Detection) |
6 |
8 |
0 |
Challenge 5 (Infrastructure development) |
7 |
8 |
0 |
Summation |
36.25 |
36.5 |
4 |