RoboCup 2018 Agent Simulation – Call for Participation

Call for Participation
2018 RoboCup Rescue Simulation League Tournament
to be held at Palais des congrès,
MontrĂ©al, Canada — June 17-22, 2018

Co-located with the
RoboCup 2018

Team Description Paper (TDP) submission: February 10, 2018 (23:59 UTC)
Qualified teams announcement……………….: February 24, 2018
Camera-ready TDP submission…………………: June 01, 2018
Tournament dates……………………………: June 17-22, 2018

Natural disasters are major adverse events that cause large-scale economic, human, and environmental losses. They are usually difficult to predict and it is even more challenging to prevent them from happening. These characteristics demand disaster management strategies to be in place for the mitigation of damaging consequences when a disaster happen.
The mission of the RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation League is to promote research and development in the socially significant domain of natural disaster. The effective implementation of this mission is translated into three main objectives. First, the league aims to provide a simulator able to realistically represent natural disaster scenarios where response plans can be assessed. Second, it aims to define evaluation benchmarks for response plans elaborated by policy-makers to act in real natural disaster situations. Finally, it aims to promote research and development by organizing competitions to stimulate the exchange of ideas and experience between researchers and practitioners. These aims are designed to help in the development of more sophisticated and formalized plans to effectively respond to natural disasters and reduce the negative impacts on society.

The 2018 RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation League Tournament is composed of several competitions:

  • Agent Simulation
  • Technical Challenge
  • Infrastructure
  • Virtual Robot


Agent Simulation Competition
This competition involves primarily evaluating the performance of agent teams developed using Agent Development Framework on different maps of the RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation (RCRS) platform. Specifically, it involves evaluating the effectiveness of Ambulance, Police Force, and Fire Brigade agents on rescuing civilians and extinguishing fires in cities where an earthquake has just happened.

The Agent Simulation competition is composed of a preliminary round split in 2 phases, a semi-final round, and a final round. Each round is composed of a set of maps representing different possible situations used to evaluate and score each agent team at each round. A single score is assigned to each team per round.

In addition to the evaluation of teams performance on the maps, teams are also evaluated based on a presentation of their implemented strategy. This presentation aims to share the knowledge of the teams and improve the academic research aspects of the league. Each team will have 20 minutes to present their implementation and another 10 minutes for questions and answers. The presentation will be evaluated by a panel of experts and these evaluations will be incorporated into the score of the preliminary round. The presentation ranking will be considered as an additional map in the scoring system of all rounds.

The teams participating in the Agent Simulation competition will automatically participate in the Technical Challenge competition (see description below).

The participation in the Agent Simulation competition requires the submission of a detailed Team Description Paper (TDP) describing the strategies implemented on the agents’ code.

The three teams with the highest scores at the final round receive a prize.

The competition rules can be downloaded here 2018 RCRS Rules.

Technical Challenge Competition
The Technical Challenge competition assesses the modularity of the teams implementation using the ADF. The participation to the Technical Challenge will be compulsory to teams participating in the Agent Simulation Competition because the teams are required to implement their code using the ADF. Therefore, teams are not required to send a separate Team Description Paper (TDP) to participate in this competition.

The Technical Challenge competition will select one specific ADF module (To Be Defined) from the best three teams in the Preliminary round to use in all participating teams. Each team will have their ADF module replaced by the selected module of the best three teams and the team’s code will be run in selected scenarios (all teams will run on the same scenarios). The final team’ score will be the worst score among all runs.

The RoboCup Rescue Agent Simulation chairs will use the Sample Agent to check the modularity of the selected module of the best three teams at the end of the Agent Competition Preliminary round. If the module is not exchangeable, meaning that it depends on specific information from the team’s code, then the team will have the best scenario score of the semi-finals disregarded. The next best team in the Preliminary round will be assessed to share its module to replace the one disqualified.

Infrastructure Competition
The Infrastructure competition involves the presentation of tools or simulators related to disaster management issues already developed by the participating team. The aim is to evaluate possible enhancements and expansions of the RoboCup Rescue Simulation League environment (both the agent-simulator and the virtual robot platform) based on the new ideas and concepts proposed in these tools and simulators. The evaluation will be done by a panel of experts and the winner chosen accordingly to a set of factors related to the technical aspects of the tool or simulator and the presentation. The winner tool will be selected for further integration with the simulation platform.

The participation on Infrastructure competition requires the submission of a detailed Team Description Paper (TDP) describing the tool or simulator. In addition to the submission of the TDP, teams interested in participating on the Infrastructure competition must release their source code as an open-source project PRIOR to June 17, 2018. Even though the team is accepted for participating on the competition, if it does not release the source-code before the agreed date, it will be disqualified and it will not be allowed to participate in the competition. Thus it will not be evaluated and considered for winning the prize.

Participant teams should address topics including, but not limited to

  • Adaptation of the RoboCup Rescue Simulator to the Junior League
  • Improvements to the ADF Framework (RCRS-ADF)
  • Increase the number of participants on the RoboCup Rescue league;
  • Provide agent development kits that render easy the participation of newcomers;
  • Integrate the Agent and Virtual Robot competitions;
  • Improve the RoboCup Rescue server’ stability;
  • Improve the RoboCup Rescue sub-simulators.

The team must submit a Team Description Paper (TDP) (in English) for each competition it aims to participate describing the focus, ideas, and recent advancements implemented in the team. The TDP is limited to 12 pages and must be electronically submitted as PDF through the submission system available at EasyChair no later than February 10, 2018 (23:59 UTC).

The TDP file name has to be “Agent_TeamName” for the Agent Competition and “Infrastructure_TeamName” for the infrastructure competition. This format should be used in the “Title” field in the submission web page at EasyChair.

All teams should prepare their Agent Competition TDP and presentation slides based on the templates. The Infrastructure TDP does not have a specific template.

All TDPs will be peer-reviewed by at least two PC members. The evaluation criteria of contributions will be based on originality, quality, clarity, and its relevance to the league’s aims.

The suggestions of the reviewers should be incorporated into an improved version (i.e., Camera-Ready version) of the TDP. The camera-ready version should be uploaded to EasyChair no later than June 01, 2018

There are several general rules specified by the RoboCup Federation on which the qualification process and the tournament are based:

  1. One-Third-Rule: Only one third of the participating teams may come from the same country. If more than one third of the qualified teams come from the same country, the first one third (floor rounded) will be qualified and the remaining disqualified due to this rule. If a team has members from more than one country, all country counts. False country statement results in penalty.
  2. One-Team-Per-Research-Institution: A university or research institute may only qualify one team. If a team is affiliated with more than one institution, all affiliation counts. False institution statement results in penalty.
  3. Plagiarism-Penalty: If a team commits plagiarism, the team and its members will be banned participating on the current and next year’s RoboCup Rescue Simulation competitions. The term plagiarism comprises any use of external knowledge without proper referencing, i.e., copying or using thoughts, ideas, texts or language in general and presenting them as their own. This applies for Team Description Papers as well as team code. All kinds of licenses and copyright have to be respected. This applies to the qualification process and the RoboCup tournaments. Please be aware that when a team is found guilty of committing plagiarism it is disqualified and banned at any time. This may also be in the middle of the tournament.
  4. No-Show-Penalty: If a team qualifies for the RoboCup 2018, but is not able to come to the venue, the team is required to cancel its participation ONE MONTH before the final registration deadline of the RoboCup 2018 by sending an email to Farshid This will give an opportunity to the next qualified-ranked team to participate in the competition. If a team fails to report it is unable to participate in the competition (‘no-show’), the team and its members will be banned of RoboCup 2019 competition.
  5. Academic-Fairness-Rule: If any team breaches general academic fairness in any other way, it may face penalties as well.

Qualification results will be announced on February 24, 2018.